Saturday, July 6, 2019

Mid Summer Fantasy Readathon

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It's odd, because it seems that every time I mention getting emails people send me emails saying how hard it was finding my email.  It is kind of the chicken and egg scenario. To make it easier, my email is  I could tell you the email of my partner Kurt Wilcken, but if I did I'd have to kill you thereafter.  So we'll leave that for now.

I received quite a number of emails regarding the last article about fantasy as a genre.  More than anything the emailers asked very specifically, what are some books featuring short stories, limited series or collections as opposed to many volume length sagas, perhaps a response to Game of Thrones or Wheel of Time length series.  However good the Wheel of Time or Game of Thrones are, and I am saying nothing about quality, we live in a world where we seem to be migrating towards 140 character tweets, video clips, texting, and our focus is narrowed. So, this article will show some collected works that are self contained, satisfying, and offer more if you wish to pursue such.  This isn't saying these are the greatest works of fiction in the fantasy genre, just that, if you go to Amazon or Ebay, or a paperback exchange, you can probably find tons of these books, at a reasonable price, and you'll find a reward for your reading of good to great entertainment.Of course your mileage may vary.

One of the common lessons for writers is make the readers love or hate your characters, because they'll see the world through those eyes.  And I think the best of these works shown have great characters.  I also think that in our own lives, which are the source of knowledge and experience,  the best stories might have thoroughly despicable horribly flawed humans who would lead to disgust and disdain, if their story were told.  And yet, it isn't our victories or defeats that reveal our character, I think it is entirely possible to tell a story of epic quality without great characters.  I think we all have potential heroism or evil within us, and any great story will have those qualities.


This might be the most difficult and expensive of the collections to find, but I've seen all of these books at bookstores, for about $15 each.  Good luck finding them if you decide to try them out!

Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman  are talented authors, their greatest talent, from my reading, is composing a work that has tangible world and with a sense of history, geography, as well as heroism, as well as villainous behavior. More so, while it didn't move me for reasons of such, the DragonLance stories could be viewed in a context of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons statistics, and they can be played using the various game campaigns and manuals to reproduce.  I am not someone who ever tried to play the iconic characters from fiction in role playing adventures, since for me the point is writing your own characters.  DragonLance's world of Krynn possessed unique races, legends, lore, and worth exploring.  While over 150 novels have come out for the series, finding and or buying the three omnibus books would give you a healthy amount of tales.  The Dark Sword trilogy is an interesting story that features a magical world, a magicless man, and the prophecies how the one without magic will change or destroy the world.  It was a fun read.


The greatest aspect of the characters of Elizabeth Moon is found in the inner qualities they possess, and the military realism of the setting, wherein the characters are forced to fight and perhaps die for others.  The world she creates here is fully realized, and the characters she creates have motives and reasons for all they do that are consistent, and thorough.  The world of Gird and Paks feels real, so every action that takes place has an impact that is felt by the reader, as if their own world is the one experienced.


I've read numerous snobbish reviews of the Iron Tower trilogy of Dennis McKiernan, and most say nothing more than "this is an epic quest such as Tolkien and others might have composed".  Well, for me, those are false in aim, and are of a sort of review that is unworthy of the work.  In no way did McKiernan suggest the concept was original.  But it was original in adding pure and true emotional energy to the epic clash between good and evil.  The two omnibus suggested for your quest have two distinct, powerful, fun quests. Beyond the two omnibuses suggested McKiernan has many books that fill his world of Mithgar, and while I have not read all of them, all that I have read are fun, and worth the time I'd spent reading them.


As I've shared before, I am a sucker for great cover art. The original art for the EarthSea books moved me, and that artist's work was used for books that were ancillary to the central series.  While I was not immediately excited about the work as much as the art on the outside of the book, I was stunned by the depth of characters, Le Guin's amazing ability to create a setting, and create real feeling events in their life made this series an epic of quality.  There have been attempts to adapt it, but it was never good.  While some books can't be adapted for the idiosyncratic aspects of their totality, Earthsea wasn't about a single character, it wasn't about a water world or medieval fantasy setting.  It was a beautiful 3 book length poem, without rhyme or form.  It was beauty in words.


If you are fascinated by dragons, if you like strong women lead characters, and if you like worlds that are similar to our own but composed in an entirely different fashion than our own, Anne McCaffrey's work should inspire you. Although it is rarely spoken of, the commonly held tropes of fantasy are rather limited in Pern.  The writing has been referred to as lyrical and layered in soft, sensuality without it being erotic or sexual.  The world of Pern possesses medieval era towns and fortress cities, anachronistic technology, and four distinct groups of humans.  Dragons are the power, but there are humans who can control them.  There is a complexity of story, where allegiance and control are a dance, and all inhabitants of the world face similar threats, despite the particular sides of conflict.


I like the work of R.A. Salvatore.  He has a range of skills that allows him to depict action, show emotions, express romance, and creates characters that resonate.  The major character he has created is the lead throughout many of his works is a dark elf, talented and dangerous, from the Underdark Realms where evil and darkness is the constant.  Drizzt Do'Urden is not a hulking beast of a warrior, he is fast, agile, and almost dancer like in his enormous grace.  He also is moral, in an exceedingly immoral world, and from a place where morals are counted as weakness.  There is a lesser dealt with context of how a dark elf exists in a world of prejudice towards those of his kind.  However, the issue there is that the vast majority of dark elves are completely evil.  So, this aspect of the character's story has to be exceptionally nuanced, because if you are the sole exception, or nearly so, it isn't a stereotype held against a race, but a common trait.  The omnibus collections mean you can find a work, read a work that presents a character who inspires, excites, and deserves being in the pantheon of great characters of fantasy.


I could tell you how great of a writer Michael Moorcock is, and I think it could be easily proven to be true.  But he writes characters that do not resonate with me.  However, if you are moved by people without those danged morals or haughty high goals, he writes for you.  I do like comic book adaptations of his work, so, I think there is something in his work that is perfectly interesting, and the characters are facing a higher enemy than simply angry men.  Elric is the final monarch of a dying race, and his heart, though he wishes to be more than a member of race of extreme high levels of development in magic and court ritual.  He is unable to move beyond because he is a tragic prince, fated to kill, destroy, and cause the end of an age.  This weighs upon him deeply.  Corum is a member of a hunted people, and he goes through torture and horrors while fighting those who destroyed his people.  All of the characters of Moorcock have a great canvas upon which they are painted.  For me, the stories are great, the characters are very powerfully written, I guess I just like morals and honor. 


Anyone reading Lord Dunsany and liking it probably loves the English language.  He told stories with a lush language, rich in detail, and concepts that were idealistic in its moral heights, and demonic in the evil when faced or found.  I can say for me, his works are book length poems, with characters that challenge the common hero. They have flaws, but more so, they have flaws that should mean they never are able to rise above and defeat the foe.  Time and Gods is a title that reflects the powers we do not command, that affect every life upon the planet.  His mythic tales move me spiritually, and even when poetry is not able to move my heart, Dunsany tales lift me above the horizon.  As with every author, your mileage might vary.


I included Fritz Leiber's works because they utilize short stories and delightful tales.  But I've read that there are modern readers who think them sexist, and that his women characters are ornaments rather than fully able humans. I can see that. However, I read stories from many eras and think them all products of the era they were written in.  For what they are Leiber's characters are fully wrought, funny, interesting, and worthy of being read.  A giant of a man who has skills more than simply of that of a warrior, and small male friend, a master thief, and charismatic sort, who is a great swordsman.  These two lost souls meet and become strongest of friends and allies. Lankhmar is an ancient city within which they explore, scandal, discovery and adventure.  It is filled with secret cults, undead beasts, and the most dangerous of sorcerers.  If you like great writing and can forgive the limitations, I recommend Leiber's work.


Robert E. Howard is probably in my top five authors of all time. While I realize his work isn't seen by many high minded critics as great literature, few writers, let alone any of those same critics have created nearly so memorable a group of characters.   There are more than one collections of Conan, while he wrote numerous stories only a few were of Conan.  His short stories are fabulous, cover horror, western, historical, fantasy, and even boxing and big game hunt.  He has a way that is direct, perfect in action descriptions, and resonates I think in ways that we often think are not modern.

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