Saturday, September 3, 2022

About the Guy Writing Here

A POET WRITES HERE: Questions that might be without Answers
By Alex Ness
September 4, 2022


Why not. I mean, really, we are all deserving of the right to speak. I'm trained as both a Historian and Political Scientist, having read hundreds and hundreds of books and articles, while taking courses and achieved graduation in master's level work, I've aimed my mind at serious subjects, but even so and additionally so, I'm a poet. Saying that, I am aware that saying that might lead some to see the one saying it boastful or as arrogant, or to others that you've just admitted to being a weird-o. Some see poetry as frivolous, and that some of the public think of poets as being "cute", while others see poets as being liars. Most people seem to also see them as being bent, not straight, in areas of life, love and outlook. I am not personally bent, but I do admit and will say that I am certainly different from anyone I've met. Despite having had perfectionist parents who demanded conformity, I was constantly developing my own creative ideas, and pondering life outside of the conformist demands of society. So, not just about me, I do agree that poets are outliers, and I simply suggest, that there is a disconnection between the poet and the community in which he lives. This is odd, really, since to most poets, they see their purpose in finding transparency, being able to report about life, using word economy, insight, and beauty. 

In a fashion, poets can be many things, an artist, a prophetic speaker, a dreamer, calling upon the world to hear information they might prefer to ignore. I might not be a wellspring of knowledge and few people would want me specifically as a leader or a poet in general, however, I am content in my life being a poet. The typical personality of a poet might well be to act clever, or seem to be glib with comments. The poet might seem to be thinking his or her path is superior to others, but what they are doing is looking at society, life and love from a distance, and usually, they'd prefer to be accepted as a vital member of society. But speaking "Truth" often limits the manner in which a poet can be beloved or accepted.

Many in the public love to have poets come to speak before them, or to them, for there are rare events when a poet will fail to make the audience laugh, or find themselves moved to having great insights. When the poet is done, they go away and write, and don't annoy society until needed next time, and there are few next times. I'd originally planned to answer a number of questions about the real world here, since I get asked many of them. But, I don't think it is serves any purpose when the issues aren't black and white, and certainly, not settled. By the things I am, I've been aware of the many things I am not. I see the world as being different than me, but that there is value and worth to every life, so rather than divide the world according to dislikes and hatreds, I prefer to think of trying to make the world better by my presence.

Ovid on being a Poet of the Poor:  “I am the poet of the poor, because I was poor when I loved; since I could not give gifts, I gave words.”

Q & A (This edition has no names associated with the questions).

"I remember when people could be different, but are still able to like one another.  What happened? Why are we all so divided and hateful of the others?"

I agree that life is different now, and someone like Donald Trump would not have succeeded in being elected just 20 years ago. I think we in America have become more divided because seeing one's group as separate or striving for a greater group identity, they aren't interested in learning more about the world around us, as opposed to enhancing their own group's fame, finances, power or otherwise. That is, we no longer disagree but agree, because we are all Americans. We've mocked patriotism, hated our own country, and have sought political answers since evolution seems far away. As we have a two party system in America, we tend to have political actors who reach to the extremes of the party in order to gather all possible allies, far and wide, and hopefully but not always, moderate once the nomination has been gained. We have become more extreme, so, in a country that used to have an unpolitical middle ground, we now have greater party power, and greater efforts to enhance those powers. It scares me.

"Doesn't it seem to you that religion is less powerful as a cultural force?  Amercians used to be hugely religious compared to Europe, why do you think that happened, it would have seemed, decades ago, impossible?"

I don't disagree that the power of religious groups has seemed to be subordinated to the power of the political groups. I think that comes from sources that other political minded researchers might see. I think the religious sex scandals across many denominations and faith led people to a more personal expression of their beliefs, distrusting the church or synagogue, the mosque or temple. As a Christian but also an introvert I've been unable to go back to a community, so I watch sermons and read works that expand spiritual knowledge. But as I am also a poet and historian, my brain works different than most, I suspect.

"How much time per week do you spend writing? If you don't make enough money, why would anyone write? No offense intended, I am just curious what fuels you to spend a life writing? When you retire will you stop writing?  Will you move to Arizona, Texas, or Florida to escape the cold?"

I might not be the best writer or greatest poet, but the experiences I've had in life all led me to writing to express myself, or to share information with others. I tend to not trust any communication that thrives, in the moment, unless it is one person speaking to one other person. The political nature of group communications are relatively conformist, and as someone who has no desire to conform, I expect my views will only rarely receive monetary sanction from society. I do have support from people who have helped me through. And I do still write about 80 hours a week. I'm not worthy of calling myself in the league of say Edgar Allan Poe, but he railed against the machine of popularity and sales, and never made enough money himself, for what he created. And he was great.

I love Minnesota, and don't think I ever want to move. When my wife asked me where I want to move, I said I don't. She said, would get a vacation home? I said, yes, I'd like an apartment in Duluth and the home we have right now. She looked at me. Said, you realize that people generally go to a warmer place to vacation or relax? So I said, we could get a home in Duluth MN and an apartment in Buffalo MN? She chuckled and said, no, you still aren't getting it. Where do you want to live when Minnesota is too cold?  I said, I have a space heater in my office, and lots of blankets. So perhaps you should ask her, since I don't seem to understand the question.  (But, for a point of reference, I briefly lived in Texas, and lived a year in Arizona.  I also lived a year in North Carolina, which was quite wonderful. But I am not going to go live there again.)

“Take rest; a field that has rested gives a beautiful crop.” Ovid


My Poetry blog with 5000+ poems:  AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com

My published Work:  AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com/2007/01/My-Work.html

An Amazon Author Page:

Cthulhu Based Horror: CthulhuDarkness.Blogspot.Com

Atlantis & Lost Worlds: AlexNessLostWorlds.Blogspot.Com

I make precious little money from royalties and direct sales of my works.  If you know me in person you'll know I am not starving, so I am not arguing that I have no money for food or rent, but that isn't my why I sell books. I never have paid anyone to publish my work, I've been both self published and published by publishers, but even not going the vanity press route, I still need money to pay for book copies, to pay editors or others, and to invest in research to in the end make the best work I am able.  Also, it would be true to say that since 2013 my royalties and money went to pay health bills not anything like paying for the ancillary costs of publishing, nor investment into books for research. So, if you have an interest in helping me raise money, for whatever purpose (I still have health bills not completely paid), please click upon the link below... it will take you to works that I have for sale, and there are more, but I chose to share these because you can write to me at and inquire after books I've written.  Not all remain in print, in fact, about half are in print still.  I have author copies to sell, so, please feel free to inquire...  FOR SALE

All works & art remain the property of the owners/creators, nothing more than fair use is asserted.

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