Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The Last before The Last one (for awhile)

Fatigue and Thoughts
By Alex Ness
May 25, 2023

I might have two cancers now, I won't find out for a while, but it might announce itself, I had covid, now have post covid syndrome. Writing takes forever. And I am no genius to begin with. I thought maybe I should write about something I like. But my memory banks have been wiped due to illness. So one more edition in a week, and then I don't know.

Q & A

A couple people asked a few questions...  

"Should Pete Rose or Shoeless Joe Jackson enter Baseball's Hall of Fame?"

Read the rules about what is legal and illegal in Baseball and why they should or should not. I am not, and have not been a strict originalist about rules. I think consistency is a good thing. I don't like Interleague play, the game clock, and when people who don't know how dangerous to baseball's existence the Black Sox scandal was tell me it isn't important.

"Why don't you write about cooking shows, and cuisine shows, or alternatively more about different kinds of entertainment?"

I tried that a couple times and had the lowest number of hits in each effort, of all time. I think food has crossed over into the reign of Bread and Circus that was originally a Roman term that meant we lose focus of the important things about life, when distracted by food, wine, sex and violence."anem et circenses"

I am not anti-food shows, or famous chefs, but I do think it is no coincidence that we are fat, and food shows themselves, not when I write about them, are highly popular.

"Do you read the book before watching the movie?"

In nearly every case, I read the book first. No, not because I get angry when they change facts or aspects of the book, but because one should start with the original, whatever form that takes. I'm no snob, I find movies better when they are adapted from books if I don't read the book first, often I didn't know it was a book, song, poem,... the original form. I think people ought to read the original for a clarity of intent.  George Orwell's 1984 in book and movie form are incredible. But the book was such a clear voice of truth to me, no movie could ever capture that. And I liked the movie.

"How does life look as an "old fart"versus that of being young?"

Really don't know how to answer this, but since I answer questions as best as I can, and honestly... I find being older to be challenging. My body is breaking down. The covid and cancer in joint concerted action, left my mind unable to remember the previous 3 weeks. That was scary. And I am truly more fatigued than I've ever come close to be. The pain, memory loss and constant grieving for those I've lost along the way, has made older age an unpleasant experience. I'm not saying it is an aspect of life that is unfair. I think entropy is responsible, and so, I hate entropy. There, I said it.

"If you return to writing a regular article weekly, will there be any changes to the content?"

I am aware that I have readers who would like a new focus or more variety. I have people who give me numerous topics and suggested genres and formats. I've had people offer to write guest columns about music, a regularly appearing as in monthly, about a genre (fear/horror), and I would gladly run guest written articles, aimed towards specific genres or subjects. I've some wonderfully articulate and generous friends and acquaintances who have offered in the past, so if anyone is interested, write to me alexanderness63 @ with guest column in the subject line.

"3 Each of your favorite poets, authors, artists, photographers, and composers"

Poets:                  Ezra Pound, ee cummings, William Carlos Williams
Authors:             Albert Camus, Ernest Hemingway, Lord Dunsany
Artists:               Jackson Pollock, John William Waterhouse, Hokusai
Photographers: Masahisa Fukase, Ansel Adams, Jonathan Ness
Composers:       Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Carl Orff, Aaron Kerr

End note

I still want to write weekly but I might make use of shorter articles, not to suggest that writing is hard, I enjoy it. But, coming perhaps close to the end of my life, I have many varieties of subjects to write about, but most of the ones I am most interested in, are not greatly popular. The Fall of the Roman Empire, Samurai, the historic King Arthur, Beowulf, Vikings, and my cats, particularly my Katya. She is my sole savior at times, I've mourned greatly in the last year and a half, and she seems to come for cuddles and to cuddle at the worst times. I feel sorry for people without pets and those without friends, the added love to my life is well worth the naughty events of cats, and dealing with the differences in each friend.

Sorry for such a short piece


I can be found on Facebook, Twitter or through email I accept hard copies, so when you inquire at any of these places, I'll follow through by telling you my street address.If you send hard copies for review I will try to always review them, but if you prefer to send pdf or ebooks to my email, I will review these at my discretion. I don't share my pdf/ebooks, so you can avoid worry that I'd dispense them for free to others.

My Creative Blogs:

5k poem blog     AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com
Cthulhu/horror  CthulhuDarkness.Blogspot.Com

Atlantis Lost Kingdoms  AlexNessLostWorlds.Blogspot.Com

Published works   AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com/2007/01/My-Work.html

All images are copyright © their respective owners, use is simply as fair use and no ownership rights asserted.

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