Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Lots to chat about, but no news or serious stuff please.

Today's Edition of Poplitiko
By Alex Ness
October 9, 2024


I received both good news and bad healthwise, but I am more interested in focusing on the good stuff. Fortunately I have the world's greatest G/P Dr. at Stellis Health Buffalo, MN-- Dr. Teresa Wrobbel. She has saved my life more than a couple times.  I am posting this so I'll never forget to mention her.


Are you writing and receiving no reviews and no attention to works that you feel are great?  Do you want reviews from a person of interesting personality, beauty, intelligence, and insight? My new friend Nicole accepts works for review, and goes to Goodreads to leave her review. She is bright, ambitious, interesting, and worth considering for her work. She is on the former twitter, now X, so you might not think to look there, but she leaves numerous reviews there as well. Oh did I mention, she is also a fashion model, and has aspirations to go far into many different fields?  I recommend her as a reviewer because I find her to be honest, straight forward and could help most authors expand their presence online and their works receive more attention as well. If you want to help her expand her reach too but you aren't a writer, she takes donations, and I am sure has a good purpose for them.

For now, she is hoping you will contact her and contribute to keep her work afloat, her numbers are $1500, but if that doesn't work, she will perhaps find crowdfunding options available.

Find Nicole at: https://x.com/Efobiii  Contact Nicole by clicking this phrase


This might sound silly but, as a person who has worked in the field of Politics, briefly, I am grateful the mudslinging orgy of hate formerly known as the Presidential election is in its final days. I had chosen to not vote, but after a series of what I consider vulgar and foolish statements (not mine, the candidates) I am able to vote without a reason to feel forced into that particular vote.


Since I've been sick rececntly, I've been in a recliner trying not to vomit or run to restroom. With the time now used but not free to do other things, I reread two more series that makes my heart happy. 

Alan Dean Foster's Icerigger Series
Dennis McKiernan's Iron Tower series

Not in regard to these authors, but whenever I mention who I like, I'm insulted by people when I mention specific people and I find it rather foolish. 1) We all have our own taste, why does it matter what someone else likes? 2 ) Do you make less of an income if someone reads or watches something you dislike? How does it impact your life? 3 ) If I like it, and receive pleasure from it, I've not announced it is the greatest work of all time, why not shrug your shoulders and say, good for him.

The Icerigger series was a cold world with pirates medieval warfare and space ship ports. It mixed wonderful components, it had humor, and the lead male was easily my mediocre self. Intelligent but not a heroic archetype, yet still devoted to the cause. Alan Dean Foster is an author who has written many great books, but is remembered for adapting movies into novels. Icerigger would make a fantastic movie.

The Iron Tower series, was written during a time of being laid up with a broken body. Initially it was the second series written in that fantasy world, but the publisher pulled the 3 books that made homage to a Tolkienesque epic. It is enjoyable on many levels, and it is a work by an author I like very much.


SPEED PRINT INC saved my bacon. After dealing with many weasels while searching for a printer, Jen Bateman an artist and member of MnCBA (Fall and Spring Con folks) led me to Matt from Speed Print Inc. Many printers I dealt with supposedly local, had 800 numbers, fake store fronts, and printed from Asia and demanded 80 dollar shipping after you signed the contract. That is not cool.

Find the good guys at https://speedprint.net/

Instead I went with Speed Print INC and for fair prices, quick service, and kind dialogue, I was very pleased with every thing!

My Poetry AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com 
This place Poplitiko.Blogspot.Com
Published Works AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com/2007/01/My-Work.html
Personal: AlexNessFiction.Blogspot.Com/

Social Media

Friday, September 27, 2024

100 Top Shelf copies available! Only 1 per customer.

100 Top Shelf copies available! Only 1 per customer.

We are thrilled to offer you a truly magical opportunity! In anticipation of the long-awaited The Moon and Serpent Bumper Book of Magic—a masterpiece created by the legendary Alan Moore and his magical mentor Steve Moore—Top Shelf Productions and Knockabout Ltd are excited to announce an extremely limited edition of 200 signed copies, available for $150 (US) each.

This exclusive edition, signed by Alan Moore himself, is a rare collector’s item. These copies will ship ahead of the book’s official October 16th release, making this a must-have for true fans of Moore’s work and collectors of occult literature.

With only 100 copies available* from Top Shelf, this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to own a piece of literary and magical history.

Secure your signed edition now before it vanishes into the ether!

*Limited to 1 per customer

The BUMPER BOOK OF MAGIC lands on Oct 16th!

“The authors make a compelling case for the importance of mysticism and magical thinking for the development of human consciousness and civilization in this marvelously entertaining, stunningly illustrated and designed masterwork.” - Library Journal (Starred Review)

The most acclaimed writer in comics history, Alan Moore, joins his late mentor Steve Moore (no relation) for one last graphic grimoire: a sprawling and stunning introduction to magic in all its timeless forms, brought to life by six wondrous and whimsical artists.

The Moon and Serpent Bumper Book of Magic (regular HC edition)
by Alan Moore & Steve Moore 
with various artists
ISBN 978-1-60309-550-1 | Diamond Code: AUG241295
$49.99 (US) | 352 pages | Full color hardcover | 9" x 12"
Browse preview pages | Pre-order now from your favorite shop!

Announcing a very limited edition of THE MOON AND SERPENT BUMPER BOOK OF MAGIC — signed by Alan Moore!

Only a few copies available, so they'll go FAST!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

C'est la Guerre

I am in a very good mood, but I have an honestly huge amount of bad stuff to consider and share at the right time. But I know, when I do, I'll have company to help tell it...

So, I have new books out, many planned, and plans... I have begun to consult for organizations and their various endeavors.  The rest will require stamina, grace, creativity and sales. So if you find you want something I've written or many of them, please inquire. I might not have out of print books, but who knows what can happen just by asking. (Not being glib or inappropriate, I've had family members pass, and their offspring or survivors send me the books and I suddenly have one more book that used to be sold out and impossible to buy again.)

But until I can explain it all ...


My email is alexanderness63@gmail.com
Don't sign me up for spam.

Have nice day.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

News, chatting, questions and answers...

The Latest news or ideas or stuff like that
By Alex Ness
September 18, 2024


I appeared at Crypticon, a 3 day con, and had a great day, selling out numerous works. Blown away by the beautiful humans I met. Some humans at other shows are nowhere near as open and kind. I sold a great deal, but mostly being told by people they like what I've written, people wishing me well, people saying you better be here with more stuff next time, is fuel for more great days. I promise, there will be more books coming. My sponsor was Hot Comics/Mike Harmon. He's a good man, kind man, bright man, and a man who is the epitome of a good owner of a comics shop.

saved my bacon.  After dealing with many weasels while searching for a printer, Jen Bateman an artist and member of MnCBA (Fall and Spring Con folks) led me to Matt from Speed Print Inc. Many printers I dealt with supposedly local, had 800 numbers, fake store fronts, and printed from Asia and demanded 80 dollar shipping after you signed the contract. That is not cool.

Instead I went with Speed Print INC and for fair prices, quick service, and kind dialogue, I was very pleased with every thing!

Personal Sales I'm selling books/chapbooks for close to cost + postage. Alexanderness63@gmail.com
for more news.


I had promised to do a Q&A when I returned from hiatus. But I want to finish a number of works, so I'll answer the one Q that I want to A.

Who is the comic publisher now who you like the most, and who is the one you like the least?

I haven't been happy with most publishers of comics, but have to say Image for their variety and quality. I enjoy their openness to new ideas, and follow a number of their ongoing comics. I do not say that because I have friends there, I have friends at most publishers.

THE FOUR NEW BOOKS, 3 Chapbooks, 1 Book

I did sell mostly Cthulhu, Jack the Ripper and chapbooks and my Sasquatch book put out by Viper Comics and Josh Howard oh so long ago. Below is a display of the new books. To order Tales of Lost Kingdoms it is 12 total with postage being inclusive. The chapbooks are $5 a piece but choose all of the new chapbooks plus my work from last year's Crypticon, a chapbook about Crime and killings in southern MN, done with Joe Monks, for $20 postage paid.



I was going to do this as a book, but after 2019 to 2024 I've had health issues. So I know, I might never get it out. I asked friend and poet, artist and editor Peter Urkowitz if he'd add his own poems and format and edit it, so we could release it, and he said of course.  He did a great job.

All of the poems and essays about the worlds and kingdoms that are legends but my have truth to them, are illustrated inside with ancient and public domain arts. The cover is from a work that the publisher screwed up and tried to make me use the art for free but hell no I would not. So I told Josh, he said keep it is yours. So I sent him a Ray Harryhausen hardcover and a few more good kinda books. And now, 20 years later, it found a home... with some background work by me, using public domain art.

Write to AlexanderNess63@gmail.com and let me know you want one of those deals, and on my facebook page I have many more deals.


Thanks to Crypticon and Michael Harmon for their kindness and giving me a table to sell my works.


My Poetry AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com 
This place Poplitiko.Blogspot.Com
Published Works AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com/2007/01/My-Work.html
Personal: AlexNessFiction.Blogspot.Com/

Social Media

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


By Alex Ness

I've mentioned that I like monsters and vintage horror, not splatter porn or gore. So I'll be asked when and why that I watched these. I was at a convention with a friend and I was in the hotel room, while they did their professional links, promotions, contacts. The pizza was good. But the waiting in the room for 48 hours of boredom was brutal. I read my books that I brought along, and had so many naps I was sleeped out. Interestingly, either for the patrons of the event or the people that were brought along, they had free direct movie channels had one channel that was horror galore.

I tried watching these commercial free movies... It wasn't fun. I was told I should have brought booze. I wasn't in Hell for pain yet, I didn't have to take meds to endure life. But I couldn't just drive off.  So I slept, watched, bought tons of Diet Mountain Dew and watched crap. Other than otherwise just as uninteresting movies, the other channels available were all Golf.  Not a fan of Golf, or a weekend in summer when the temps tempted freezing in the am. It was really cold.


I didn't want to watch this, I kind of figured it would be what it was. And no, I didn't figure out everything supposed to be a clever surprise. But I did guess a number of things.

I thought it was nasty, and violence porn.


Yep, because I thought it couldn't get worse. It wasn't really a useless exercise in violent jump scare bullshit. But it was escape room torture porn. People who enjoy such madness, probably enjoy such a movie. I didn't really hate it so much as I began to watch it as a research of what kind of people would enjoy this, what kind of films entertain people who want to be abused, given a toxin, and a time limit in which to figure out a puzzle or something or die.


Now, I know what you are thinking, what the Hell would you think could be worth watching this if you hated the first two films in the series. Well you'd be right... I could never have watched this and enjoyed it.  I did think some of the scenes of torture were better in terms of effects. Otherwise there is absolutely nothing new with this, well except instead of testing the will to survive, the willingness to slaughter one's own body before quitting or achieving success.  This time a doctor must be kidnapped to lengthen the torment, and the torment's purpose is to hurt someone long enough to test the willingness to forgive and go beyond the self's willingness to simply survive. But sadly, the wildly unbelievable roller coaster ride was not worth the time or cost.

I appreciated the desire to bring in more than simply survive or puzzle solve, or go beyond simple brutality. But it was so poorly concocted that I logically couldn't buy into it. I got it free so I didn't actually buy it but nonetheless. I wish I had been drunk, so I could forget. Now, truthfully, my memory now is shit and this is about 15 years ago. 

My life isn't better altogether, I made a lot of mistakes on the way, and my health went to Hell shortly after. I wonder if it wasn't the movies that triggered it.

IN OTHER NEWS: As I found a printer locally who seems to be reliable by next week you should be able to order some inexpensive works with prose and more featuring original works. 


My Poetry AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com 
This place Poplitiko.Blogspot.Com
Published Works AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com/2007/01/My-Work.html
Personal: AlexNessFiction.Blogspot.Com/

Social Media

My Email is AlexanderNess63 at gmail.com

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Return Review Column for September 4

By Alex Ness

By Michael Baron and Kelsey Shannon

Beware of works of Nexus not written by Mike Baron.
They just are not nearly the same in quality or even concept.
The character is unique, and well designed but written best with the Baron.

"The hand of Nexus wields the energy of a living sun! Possessing limitless power, Nexus is the greatest avenger in history, but his power and purpose come from an alien race with their own agenda. Is Nexus a hero or pawn? Deliverer or destroyer? God or devil? Created by Mike Baron and Steve Rude, Nexus is a science-fiction superhero masterpiece!

In this brand new standalone story, Nexus faces a mysterious villain threatening all life. Planets are vanishing from the night sky without a trace! Nexus must uncover the truth behind a string of disappearing planets before the universe itself vanishes. With precious few leads and almost no witnesses, the odds seem stacked against survival. How will Nexus save the universe?

Facing an unknown threat, Nexus must get to the bottom of a string of disappearing planets! Leaving no trace—and almost no witnesses—it's clear a powerful threat is waging war on the entire universe. With all existing life being threatened, and precious few leads, only Nexus can save the universe!

Featuring art and colors by Kelsey Shannon (Batman Adventures, Dark Fang, Norah's Saga) , lettering by Warren Montgomery (Florida Man, Fun Adventure Comics!), and written by Nexus co-creator Mike Baron (Nexus, The Punisher, The Flash), the stakes are higher than ever before."

The character of Nexus is one of the most absolutely distinct and unique being and purpose. He is called to be a powered executioner of serial killers. He has powers that border upon unlimited, but he is called to use them by horrific dreams, that leave a headache that throbs unto near mind breaking devastation. His "creators" have a different sense of justice, but it isn't that he would object to the killers end. He just might prefer to not have to go through the calling, and the headaches that feel like mental Armageddon. 

However, while many would have no problem having great power, he has a unique morality, and considerations of more than just ending the evil ones. With his powers he has created an asylum for the lost and the hunted, upon his moon base Eylum. Which to me sounds a lot like Elysium. His morality includes Christlike kindness along with the executioner's righteous anger. The combination is unusual and deep. That he considers the consequences of his use of God-like powers, that he questions and researches the people he hunts, before completing his tasks, makes his power almost more a curse than anything like a blessing.

The people he encounters, both fear him, and admire and/or revere his godlike abilities, and his moral offerings of a place of peace, and safety. Tell me one other hero so troubled, compassionate, generous and conflicted... I'll wait... go on...  This is a work any fan of great writing or already a fan, It is a must buy.


Brian Haberlin has created a great bibliography of work. He has worked in comics for many years but also, he has taught the artisan craft of telling stories through his panels at conventions, and through being an educator and Minnesota College of Art/Design.  That alone, his understanding of art, but desire to share his knowledge of it makes him someone I respect in many directions of art.

And yes, you might have noticed my appreciation for Brian Haberlin's art. It isn't due to having a long time appreciating his work, despite highly appreciating his work now, it came somewhat by accident that I became  aware of his talents. I liked many Image comics, but I didn't have the funds to buy and read all the books that came out over the last 30 years. In fact, I didn't have much money at all once my son arrived and I began work as a full time father

It was his association with our mutual friend David Hine in collaborations, and through his work on Spawn that made me first notice him. But since that time, I've just been blown the Fk away. I've reviewed or mentioned all of the works on this list, but if you haven't bought them in tpb, you need to. They are well written, whoever is the writer (but especially David Hine). But the art in each is mind blowing and awesome.

He also collaborated with members of Image to create a cover for the band Korn. I like Korn, and appreciate knowing this. I'm a fan of his art, and more and more, his writing is becoming even better. His work as a plotter and artist is good, but now, with him being in command of art, plot, writing, and everything a comic book requires.

Mr. Haberlin has done numerous events this summer, but many including or specifically featuring his fine art paintings, in watercolor.  The realism in each is truly and without exaggeration, powerful and gorgeous. Especially as an artist, he is someone special.  Here are some of the wonderful examples of Brian's fine art. He expresses beautiful women, but also, normal women who are made even more beautiful in being by the humanity he brings forward in their presentation. For those who appreciate cheesecake photos or paintings, this ain't that. His women are real, and the distinct ability he has to create women who possess dignity in their being, who possess wonder, sorrow, imagination, thought, and intrigue, all by simply being, has opened a door to art that is relatively unusual, if not unique, and of the highest quality. At one time I wanted to write a poem using one of his painting pics as the focus, but I am not a good enough poet to create something worthy of that image.  I mean that with no sarcasm or irony. 

From Brian Haberlin "Coming in October! Faster Than Light 3D TREASURY SIZED! Two chilling scifi stories just in time for Halloween! Ask your retailer for it! There are two covers....one is standard 3D the other is a WINK...three images in ONE!"


My Poetry AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com 
This place Poplitiko.Blogspot.Com
Published Works AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com/2007/01/My-Work.html
Personal: AlexNessFiction.Blogspot.Com/

Social Media

My Email is AlexanderNess63 at gmail.com

Monday, August 26, 2024

CAPTAIN AMERICA: The End by Erik Larsen

ERIK LARSEN'S Excellent work
A consideration by Alex Ness

This review was to be done months ago, but cancer and other stuff stepped into my path. So to my regular readers, I apologize for my delay. For others wondering where I went, I had 6 medical procedures over summer, and frankly, most of the time I was in back and neck spasms, or I was using the rest room. It was thought due to one scan, that I might have colon cancer. And there were two areas new to my system with possible growth areas. I have lymphoma, but colon cancer is MUCH worse. Happily outside of one more procedure to scrape, cut or laser out a growth, I am done and the cancer found was lymphoma, in a new place. Or so I was told. I know I am not the doctor.

The reason for this review was that I had wanted to explain my appreciation for this work, but life got in the way before I did, and I lingered in the time passed, thinking maybe it isn't new enough to matter. But I should include that I am also friends with Erik Larsen. I say that because it doesn't mean any bias, it means I became aware of this work first when Erik shared a link on Facebook, and I love Cap, and I also love the work of Jack Kirby.  This work explodes with a modern take upon the Kirby style.  There are many comic artists who are using Kirby's style without saying so. I get it, it is an influence. But would like to say, right or wrong, I think between Walter Simonson, John Byrne and Erik Larsen, I think Larsen is the one who moves me the most among those artists who try to use his style or evoke Jack Kirby.  

The End is an ominous title for a title for a character who is close to 80 years old. As a 60 year old man, I am aware that I've more life lived than left to live. So would Marvel kill my favorite hero of their pantheon? I doubted that, but it does imply something drastic is going on.
The first thing to say about the book, beyond explaining what drew me to it, and possible bias, is that it is beautiful. If one considers the art as a homage to Kirby and it evokes Jack Kirby's take perfectly.

The Concept is totally fun. Imagine Captain America in the midst of his glory days, a virus has changed the world, similar to Covid's impact. And the world of Captain America is an alternate Earth, so, the end result of this work, is of a different impact than the one who appears the Marvel universe. Strangely though, how it all works, is that this Captain America is a desperate, unafraid to die for the survivors of the panic from the Virus. The virus turns all those infected, into a Red Skulled zombie. That is, this is a virus bio-engineered by the servant of Hitler, Red Skull doesn't just kill the Jews, or the Allies, the Romany "Gypsies", or any race disliked by Hitler, it fails, and doesn't make distinctions between ethnic groups. The only race is seeks to kill, is each of the humans of the species. 

Cap is willing to fight until he dies, all of unaffected yet humanity is infected and dies, or the Red Skull zombies find cold victory.  This is a work that is beautiful in so many ways and it is at the same time, quite somber for such a tale to be told. Jack Kirby would be proud to read this and see all the cues to his own creation and work, admire how well written of a story it is, and how this Captain America would be welcome in any of the years Jack Kirby wrote and drew Captain America. One thing some readers don't perceive that I know Larsen does, about Jack Kirby's work on Cap and elsewhere, the dynamic pacing and use of dialogue to push the story forward.  Larsen has a work here that is relentless, powerful in art, story, and concept, and is a pure form of Captain America. It truly is a beautiful work.

I don't give grades, because usually I try to pick the best of the comics I've found to review. Once in a while a book will be so bad I'll say something about it, but this is not one of those. I want to say this though, Larsen doesn't try to hide his appreciation of JKirby, he embraces it, he makes it sing. I like Erik Larsen's work a lot, but somehow, I've raised his work a notch higher in my esteem for ably creating something new, with a character quite old.

Total grade, despite not giving grades, 10/10, this work is flawless.

I had decided to return to full time blogging September 1. But I realized that it is an arbitrary number to focus upon. Therefore, I am back. I'm returning to a twice a month schedule here, until I can go back to weekly or more often. In this case the overall work was so good I decided to lead off my return with it. Back around 2005 or 2006 I think, I was told that a review must be accompanied by a statement of whether or not it was sent by the publisher, bought or otherwise. I bought it myself, from Ebay. With the cover shown. I'd originally wanted this cover version of the comic, but when I couldn't find it locally, (the other cover version was good but nothing nearly so good as the one shown) I turned to EBAY and found it for 6 dollars delivered to my home. Hell yes to that.

My Poetry AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com 
This place Poplitiko.Blogspot.Com
Published Works AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com/2007/01/My-Work.html
Personal: AlexNessFiction.Blogspot.Com/

Social Media

My Email is AlexanderNess63 at gmail.com


Friday, July 19, 2024

A Sort of Return

By Alex Ness
July 20, 2024

I know I will return but after the latest failed procedure, I don't know when. My kidney with stones so large they won't pass have also entered the discussion. I have cancer cells floating in places they have no business being there. And cells where the others are floating that aren't floating and belong there. As tests go, I didn't get a passing grade. So there are things to do, and go through, as my health is failing. I've begun losing memories and words from my vocabulary. Don't fear, should I live, should I die, I absolutely have had a life well beyond what might have been.

Photo by Jeremy Clifft ©

I feel compelled to mention, a vital person in my life who has never been mentioned here, helped me get out of a massive depressed state, one in which I tried to kill myself. It failed but the red scar visible around my neck the next day marked me as a suicide attempt guy. Someone who spoke with bit of a European accent took my shoulder and asked to talk to me. We got in a semi private corner and he said, you know, you have people who love you and like you and want you in their lives. Don't try it again.  And I promise you could tell he spoke from experience. We ended up being very close, and he was someone I know God placed in my life to help me survive. We should have ended up forever friends, but he was really protective of his address and past.

But I can say, he was Jewish originally from Algeria, and when the Algerian war with France was over, his family came under Anti-Semitic threats. They quickly moved to France, but had lost all they owned. After his parents had all their family die in the Holocaust they first moved back to Paris, but after Martin was 4 years old, or so, they moved to America. He was told to avoid a future Holocaust.  Both of his parents died in a car accident. They were in a small car and a semi 18 wheeler hit them, causing their car to roll over dozens of times.

He was left with a giant house, insurance, he sold his family's business, and could live forever without doing a thing. But he was an artist, and his work may someday be found. Martin was someone I thought would be friends with me forever, but in a way he was, as the person who called to tell me that Martin died, said he spoke about reading my work often, and wanting to connect with me again. So, even though he lived the epitome of a private life, I am online.  He kept telling our mutual friend that he knew I'd make it as a writer. (true or not true, that is what he said)... It broke my heart after five years of losses, illness and pain.

I was conceived in rape at a time such a thing was not fixable by a quick and legal abortion. I was carried and born almost perfectly on time, by a woman who was forced to carry my life to term. She and her mother could have crossed a border or paid to go to a back office somewhere, but I survived the fire, and emerged, full of life, and new opportunities. The couple who adopted me and their first child, my brother, wanted to complete their family plan. The first words I heard, came from my two year old brother, and they were, "May God bless him".

My adoptive parents were not wealthy, and they were not perfect. However they were perfectionists and they were dedicated to having a family that would be perfect. That didn't happen, but I am grateful for all that they taught me, all that my brother represented to me, my first hero, my first Batman, the Lone Ranger. I was Robin, Tonto, and his side kick in any form.

I am alive despite 7 doctors saying you should be dead, more than 9 different times. A broken neck, other broken bones, cancer, infections from staph around my heart and many other issues.  I was broken, but I was ok, even after cancer. But since 2019 I've been in the wasteland, with no path known safe. Honestly, I really should be dead. 

But I am not. And I've things to do before I go.

When I return to writing this column on a regular basis, a band I've liked very much and covered in large, broad focus interviews and discussions will have released some new music, and I will enjoy listening to them and telling my readers my thoughts.

I was going to try to post a post a day featuring my friends who helped me endure. But I am exhausted, I am in so much pain I can't sleep. And it feels impossible to write anything like I used to. I have a very long piece to pay forward regarding the kindness Erik Larsen has given me. I don't deserve it, it is so very much an example of grace, kindness undeserved. Others like Mike Baron and Mike Grell helped me through as well. Brian Haberlin, Bryan Glass, Frank Beddor and Nate Barlow all showed me similar grace and hope and much mercy and kindness as well. Who knows where this will go. But I should say, I've had numerous people do the opposite as all these wonderful people, it seems the more you are open about health or disasters you place a target upon your chest. Oh well C'est la Guerre.

And now, an important message. Please follow its requests.

Love to my readers and all.  Bless you.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Final Cut: A New Graphic Novel from Charles Burns

 After far too long a wait, Charles Burns has released a new book.  Originally serialized in French as Dedales parts 1-3, Final Cut returns to Burns' familiar themes of alienation, desire, creativity and loneliness. 

The main protagonist, Brian, has difficulty interacting with people, preferring to watch movies or draw in his sketchbook. He struggles with mental health issues exacerbated by his chaotic environment. He's been making 8mm science fiction horror films with his friend Jimmy since childhood, but is frustrated with his inability to transfer his vision from his sketchbook to the screen. Jimmy is content to turn out derivative nonsense to show at parties and shock their friends, while Brian wants to produce something bigger. The friends they corral into appearing in their films treat the experience as a sort of party game. They stumble through their performances and have no patience for multiple takes.

Laurie, a friend who agrees to be in their latest film project, alternates with Brian as narrator of the story, but she is neither as introspective nor as confused as him.  She thinks he's sweet. but is seemingly unaware of his growing attraction to her. Matters come to a head during a camping and filming trip to an isolated lake. The plot is far less important than the characters and their interactions, moods and desires.

Brian's sketchbook is a character all its own, both driving and reflecting the narrative. The tentacled aliens and surreal landscapes contrast the more realistic style of the other artwork in the book, and enable Brian to explore his obsessions of the moment and ever-shifting perspective. Within the sketchbook, Brian can attain the happy ending that eludes him both in his film and in life.

Final Cut is a mature book from a mature creator. Available now from Pantheon books.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Time for a health break

Hello friends,

Alex Ness here, writer of poetry, interviewer of bright interesting people, and blogger of various thoughts.

You may have seen me before, I wrote for dozens of websites about comics, and review sites in the early 2000s. As a Grad degreed Historian with a minor field in Political Science, I've done many research projects, assisted numerous NPO's, helped other writers with books through research, ghost wrote for artists, and since I sound like I am bragging, I also false started the writing of dozens of books that I found required more attention and talent than I possessed. But I wrote poetry since age 7 so, it was unlikely that anything heavily non fiction, would linger in my thimble sized attention span. I also briefly taught in college, tutored, and was graduate teaching assistant who taught many bright people who have gone on to successful and happy careers and lives.

By 2025 I hope to have more than four books/chapbooks appearing. And I pray I'll be at conventions and shows sharing my works.  This year I visited a convention and met new friends and contacts, and sold many more books than I had for a long LONG time.

I do have much going on. After a lifetime of depression, sorrow, and recent losses of beloved family and a best friend (Writer Director Joe Monks), I am happy. I think it is about knowing, I can be a poet, succeed on my own terms. I can write for academic organizations who consider me a different kind of thinker, but none the less an equal. My cats in life have always been my beloveds, and currently, my two soon to be 16 year old cats, Katya and Sophie enrapture me, love me and I love them daily.

My brother Nate, a birth sibling I met in 2017 has become a rock for me, giving me support, humor, thoughts to consider, and more. He is also, sadly, my last sibling, as my birth sister Denise and my adoptive brother Brons both tragically died in 2022. As such Nate's importance has grown. DNA isn't everything, but I was 54 when I met my DNA mother's family, (and my DNA Mother of course) , I met a group of people who feel familiar. I sorrow my DNA sister's passing like she'd been with me, rooting me on, loving me and caring the entire time. Nate is the same if not more, and I bless God for giving them back to me, after 54 years and feeling an outsider for well most of that time until I saw my son, my only family DNA I'd ever seen.

I have a beautiful wife, fiery redhead with a wicked funny wit. A wonderful principal who has given every thing in her being to give children of all social, ethnic, nationality and language groups an equal opportunity to learn the knowledge and facts to get them through to adulthood and success.

My son is a creative talent, struggling to juggle projects and work. And his cat, my grandkitten Isabella is a daily source wild. He is often my brightest light and always my greatest hope.

But while I've much going on that is good, that isn't the same regarding my health.
I will be having surgery and procedures, and I hope, turn out
better for the effort.

I might not be around for a while but
I'll be around...

My Poetry AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com This place Poplitiko.Blogspot.Com
My Published Works AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com/2007/01/My-Work.html
Personal: AlexNessFiction.Blogspot.Com/

Social Media

My Email is AlexanderNess63@gmail.com

As ever, thank you for reading my work, and that my friends who occasionally write here.
May you all be blessed deeply.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Storm: Dawn of a Goddess: A Young Adult Novel Reviewed by an Old Adult


First, some confessions:  First, this is a Coming of Age novel about a young African girl.  I am a middle-aged white male.  I am not the target demographic for this book, nor will I pretend to be.  I'll give you my reaction, and speculate about the possible reactions of a member of the target demographic. I've actually met a few, but I am wholly unqualified for this task.  My target demographic in writing this is other middle-aged comic nerds who might be considering reading this, or, better still, giving it to a young friend or relative who might be a more suitable audience.

Second, the title character is a younger version of someone who will later be an important member of Marvel's X-Men. I have a lot of complicated issues regarding the X-Men, and while they're not relevant to this book, I must acknowledge my antipathy as well as the fact that I'm not as well versed in X-Men lore as might be desired for this task.

I'm aware that Storm, true name Ororo, grew up as a scavenger and thief on the back streets of Cairo before her super powers manifested. She was later worshipped as a Goddess before being recruited into Professor X's team of mutants, the X-Men.  Decades later (real time, not Comic Book Time) she married T'Challa, the Black Panther.  At the time I thought this to be rather contrived.  Marvel's two most prominent African characters marrying, despite, to the best of my knowledge, having only limited interaction and no discernable chemistry beforehand, or indeed, after.  Perhaps this is my ignorance showing. I'm not a close follower of either character.

The story tells how Ororo, who is half American, which I'd never known, but Wikipedia assures me is canonical, was orphaned and learned to survive on the streets by finding a new family among the street kids of Cairo. When her mutant powers become too obvious to conceal, she attracts the attention of bigger players, including both Professor X and Amahl Farouk, the Shadow King. While the Professor is willing to watch and wait, Farouk wants her for his own and she is forced to flee, abandoning the only family she's known for the past decade. Spurred on by rumors of a clan ruled by white-haired goddesses, he decides to seek her mother's people far to the southwest.

Fortunately, she soon runs into T'Challa, a young but supremely confident young warrior. He, too, is on a journey of self-discovery, tooling around Northern Africa on a dilapidated motorbike. He tells her of the wonders of his own country, Wakanda and helps her make her way to her homeland.

We are only privy to Ororo's inner thoughts and doubts, which may be why T'Challa appears to be so much more confident. Ororo is more introspective and emotional, easily distracted by his strong arms around her as they hide overnight in a tree to avoid the Shadow King's forces. This being a novel for young teen girls, her emotional responses to the people and situations she encounters are more important than the situations themselves.

This was the primary flaw of the book for me (a middle-aged comic book nerd). Bestselling young adult author Tiffany D. Jackson doesn't really Sell the peril of Ororo's situation, preferring to dwell on her reactions to it.  The immediacy of the threat that forces her to leave Cairo is less important than the fact that she has to leave her family behind.  Her growing feelings about T'Challa receive more words per page than the reality that she needs to escape the hunters threatening to enslave her. Her feelings about her growing powers are more important than the powers themselves.  A member of the Target Demographic might not consider this a flaw.  I plan to give my copy to one of them.  When she reads it, I'll ask her.

Storm: Dawn of a Goddess, by Tiffany D. Jackson, was released earlier this month. It can be found wherever you buy books.