Friday, August 1, 2008

Furry Introduction

In my secret identity, I am a ninja cartoonist. I live in the Enchanted Land-O-Cheese with my wife, Lute; my daughters, Gamera Rose and Rodan; and a menagerie which currently includes three ferrets, an enormous cat, a finch and several fish.

I’ve written and drawn hand-made comic books and have done comics work for INNOVATION, for Antarctic Press and for Radio Comix. I’ve drawn stories for “Adult” furry comics; I’ve also written puppet plays for Sunday Schools. I’ve been a moderator on a Harry Potter fansite and president of a local Anime club.

And I’m an avid Role-Playing Game enthusiast, having been gaming almost as long as there has been D&D. Yup. I’m an RPGeezer.

Here are some of the sites I lurk at and post on:

Pop Thought -- Where I write an RPG column titled “Live and Let Dice”

D2MF -- One of Alex’s other blogs where we write about spiritual matters.

ComicSpace -- Where I have a few galleries of my cartoons up and hope to start up an web comic soon

Steve Jackson Games Forum -- I occasionally post comments on this site under the name “quarkstomper”

Street Prophets -- An online community for progressive people of faith.

The Arcana Wiki -- More on this to come.

In short, my interests are weird and eclectic. And I hope to share some of them with you.

--Kurt (aka quark)


alex-ness said...

Thanks for being here buddy!

Alan Coil said...


If you didn't know, there are changes at Pop Thought, if you'd like to hop over to the forum there.

kurt wilcken said...

Yes. I'm kind of torn between leaving Pop Thought and doing my "Live and Let Dice" pieces here and trying to maintain a presence on both sites. I haven't quite decided yet how to handle it.

alex-ness said...

I am still going to post columns there, but mostly, since the blogsphere is where I'd wanted the site to go, will do most here.

PopThought is a great site, filled with bright people. There is no reason not to have them still as friends and comrades.

Steve Chaput said...

Back in 'my other life' I was a frequent participant on a number of comics related forums, especially over on Usenet. Now I tend to lurk at the larger sites (Comic Mix, CBGXtra, and a few others), tending to post on almost daily only on Tony Isabella's Messageboard at World Famous.

I had a brief flirtation with 'furry' fandom, thanks to an artist friend who talked me into joining a 'furry' apa for about a year. Have to admit that most of the stuff I talked about were comics that my friend passed along, plus the book SHANDA THE PANDA which I briefly read (both the general & 'adult' issues).

As I've mentioned previously, gaming is something I have never gotten hooked on. I've played FATE a few times and been talked into playing some Playstation games with my step-daughte (general Star Wars related).


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