Writer, Editor, Publisher
I am pleased to present this interview with my friend and publisher, (and editor and format specialist) Josh Brown. I met him on Myspace, then at FallCon, and I can't say I immediately got to know him, it was a slow process, but I immediately liked him, respected him, and appreciated working with him. And then he brought his son to the shows, and he is adorable. So, I thought, since I do lots of writing, and Josh has helped bring much of that to you all, maybe you should get to know him. Here is my interview then, with Josh.
For the record please
state your name, job, and reason for writing...
Fast forward about 15 years and I was a college grad with an
English degree and a dream. I somehow stumbled into the publishing industry,
first working in magazines, then with a non-fiction book publisher, then an
audiobook publisher, and now I work for a book sales and distribution company.
In my "spare time" I write comics, short stories, and poetry, and
have also dabbled in publishing (not just talking about self-publishing either,
mind you) under an imprint I call Uffda Press.
What was your first
published work, did you get paid, what would you do differently on it today
looking back?
In college I wrote articles for the Arts & Entertainment
section of the school newspaper, the UMD
Statesman. It did pay, but not much.
It got me into a lot of free concerts and museums and arts shows and such,
though. That led to some more creative writing and I had a couple short stories
published in UMD's literary journal, The
Roaring Muse. One of the stories was pretty well-received; it was about a
troubled college professor who basically threw his entire life away trying to
prove the existence of Loch Ness monster-type of creature living in Lake
Superior. Looking back I sometimes think I should have tried to do more with
the creative writing at the time, but hey, like they say, hindsight is 20/20.
Did you get educated
for a career as a writer? If so, would
you recommend the same sort of path for others?
Why or why not?
Sort of. I have a BA in English Literature and worked at the
college newspaper. I loved working at the Statesman,
and saw myself as going into journalism, but UMD did not offer journalism as a
major or minor at that time. I think they added it was a minor the year after I
graduated. So I would say I was educated for a career in publishing, but the
writing sort of happened on its own.
After I graduated college I started doing more creative
writing on my own. I hooked up with a couple artist friends and wrote some
short comic stories that got picked up here and there, including one that was
published in Negative Burn, a fairly prestigious
and well-known anthology at the time. I had a poem published in Abandoned
Towers Magazine, a genre zine that is now defunct. I began to experiment a
little with self-publishing. I just starting writing more – comics, poems,
short stories – and submitted. And got rejected. A lot. Heck, I still get a lot
of rejections. It's part of the game.
In the end, I guess the best advice I can give is to not
only put your work out there, but to also put yourself out there – network, make friends, be part of the community.
What dead authors are
your favorites? Do they inspire you, or
do they just entertain you?

Describe your office
or I should say, your work station when you are working, is there music, pets,
kids, wife, do you deal well with distractions?
I definitely wait until the kids are in bed. I usually just
sit on the couch with my computer on my lap and my feet up on the ottoman. I occasionally
have something playing on Netflix, or some melodic movie score playing on my
iPod, but a lot of time I write with no tv or music at all. Just me and the
words. I'm a morning person, so I also sometimes get up early to write. And
sometimes writing just happens spontaneously – I get a couple ideas and I have
to write them down in a notepad, or type them out on my phone or tablet.
Writing can happen anywhere.
What kind of books
haven't been successful in the market of books, that really have great
potential, and what books reap enormous sales and you see them as being blech,
unoriginal and booooring?
I really wish we could see speculative poetry books sell a
lot more in the mainstream marketplace. Poetry books in general can be a hard
sell, but I am a huge fan of fantastic poetry that draws from elements of
science fiction, fantasy, and/or horror.
Also, maybe because I am both a father to young children and
a lover of great art and illustration/comics, I would love to see more in the
way of children's picture books. It seems like the children's book market is
completely dominated by most of the "big" publishers, but if you look
hard enough, there are some great kids books out there from other, smaller
publishers. I think we're primed to see an uptick in more quality children's
picture books from a wide range of different publishers.
I really hate to call any book unoriginal and boring. It's
all a matter of personal tastes, and no matter how boring I may think a book
is, there is sure to be a group of superfans rallying behind it.
What impact has social media played in the
creative world, how has it directly influenced your writing and being
published, and how could it be better?
If you're an author and you're not promoting your work
though social media, you might as well be a ghost. In this day and age, even
the large publishers such as Penguin Random House and Simon & Schuster
expect their authors to be "pounding the pavement" via social media.
It's as important as book tours, if not more so, these days.
I'm not certain there's any direct influence on how or what
I write, but for example, whenever I tweet about the latest installment of
Shamrock in Fantasy Scroll Magazine, there's a noticeable upswing in activity,
from page views to retweets to favorites.
So there's no denying it helps get you out there.
How could social media be better? I dunno, seems like it's
working fine so far, but the great thing about technology is that it is always
evolving; someone is always out there working to improve upon what we already
If you had a money is
no object situation, what would you do in publishing, assuming of course, that
you would, and, why would you go in that direction?
Speaking as a publisher, I would love to publish more
speculative poetry because, as I mentioned previously, I love it and think
there should be more of it out there on bookstore shelves. If money were no
object I would put the bulk of it towards marketing and advertising, because in
my experience and from what I have learned about publishing, that's a big part
of how books become successful. Aside
from the fact that they have to be good, of course!
What is the point of
it all? Doesn't digital wipe out the joy
of reading, of buying books, of reading books?
Hell no! Books are books and a good story is a good story,
no matter the format. I love hardcovers, paperbacks, digital, audio – heck, if books
could be injected intravenously I probably would do that too! I will buy a book
at the store, order a book online, download a book on my e-reader, buy an
audiobook CD, download an mp3, or read some short stories and poetry online
from webzines such as Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Strange Horizons, Clarkesworld,, Fantasy Scroll, Lightspeed, you name it. To me, having all these
options adds to the joy of reading!
Where do you want to
take your career?

As far as publishing, I really feel like there are voices
out there that need to be heard, and I'll continue to look for quality
speculative fiction and poetry to publish under my Uffda Press imprint. At the
moment I'm more focused in seeking out and publishing speculative poetry, but I
would love to put another anthology together sometime soon as well.
What does it mean to
write? Are you different than an artist?
Writing is definitely an art. It means everything to write.
You are putting a piece of yourself out there – your mind, your body, your soul.
But it's also kind of a science, and a craft, and you have to be careful to
hone your craft, practice, continually strive to get better. And, for better or
for worse, there's also a business side to it, that is, if you are attempting
to make a living at it.
Tell us about what you have coming up.
Well, most recently I had a short horror story titled “The
View From the Attic” included in a horror anthology called Toys in the Attic from JWK Fiction, I had a story in The Martian Wave 2015 from Nomadic
Delirium Press, I had a flash fiction piece published on SpeckLit, and of
course there was King of Ages: A King
Arthur Anthology with a story from myself and 12 other absolutely amazing writers.
I feel like we really took the Arthurian legend to the next level with that
Coming up, I have a poem titled “Flame of Cthulhu” set to
appear in an erotic horror anthology called Lovecraft
After Dark from JWK Fiction, I have a poem titled “The Tragedy of Dracula’s
Daughter” set to appear in Popcorn Press's 2015 Halloween anthology Zen of
the Dead, I have another poems to run in Beechwood Review, I have another piece of flash fiction set to
appear on SpeckLit, a short story in a dystopian-themed anthology coming from
Hydra Publications, and my comic "Shamrock" with art by Alberto
Hernandez continues to be serialized in Fantasy Scroll Magazine.
2015 has been a heck of a year, and I'm hopeful I can keep
the momentum going into 2016!
Josh's twitter
Josh's website
Josh's Amazon page
Uffda Press
Fantasy Scroll Magazine
King of Ages: A King Arthur Anthology
Toys in the Attic
The Martian Wave 2015
JWK Fiction
Popcorn Press
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