Wednesday, July 14, 2021


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ComicBooksFor Troops A Wild Success
Free comic books for military

(July 15, 2021) In October of 2020, ComicBooks For Kids! created a sister charity called ComicBooksForTroops. In this way, comic books inappropriate for younger children or Teens could be routed to the military. In just six months, ComicBooks For Kids!/Troops had provided 13,000 comics to all branches of the military. Special Forces reached out requesting more comics quickly after the initial push and ComicBooksFor Troops was dispensing thousands of comics as quickly as publishers could donate them.

Mark Weiss, president and founder said, "When the Special Forces asked us for that many comics, we knew what to do. One quick phone call to our friend Buddy Saunders, the largest comic e-tailer in the US and one of the nicest human beings on the planet and we knew we were in great shape. Buddy has been a supporter of us since the very beginning and the only thing bigger than his warehouse is his heart" 

Said Buddy Saunder
s, "After kids, those that are most dear to our hearts are our military folks, police and other first responders. Everyone here at Lone Star Comics/MyComicShop can never do enough for them."

A few days later the Special Forces received two palettes of comics, approximately 22,000 comics making this one of the largest single donations of comic books to the military at one time. Moreover, this brings ComicBooks For Kids!/Troops total to the military at over 35,000 comics for the last six months and the charity has just eclipsed over 100,000 units to both hospitals and the military since its inception. Lonestar Comics/ was the sole supplier of this initiative. Wish to donate to the cause? Email directly.

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