Sunday, November 19, 2023


By Alex Ness
November 20, 2023


I've been nearly banned from FACEBOOK and, since I absolutely believe it is wrong to do what they've done, I'm removing all my content from the site. I've been told that they believe I am a right winger, and other such labels. Since I don't post politics, and do not post obscenity they are removing my posts in fear, rather than for reality.  If it must be known, in my presidential votes since 1984, I've voted for 3rd parties more than Democrats or Republicans, and more Democrats than Republicans. The math does not work for their campaign of hate against me.

Also, after much consideration, while I appreciate every person who has made this site better for their own work upon it, I realize that at this point, it is my site. Rather than say what I've said in the past, that this site is mostly my doing, but others have been just as important, I'd suggest it was my site, and it was open to the many writing here for a time, but are now gone. This isn't the site where I"m endeavoring to promote my work, but I get asked so many times where to find my published works, I've decided to just go forward and accept reality. I'd like to say, there are at least five works I did not display, since they were published using my work, but not giving me credit by name. I ghost write articles for websites, for money and for Non Profit Organizations that do good works, therefore I'm volunteering. The refusal to post the covers of books I've written but received no credit nor payment is not about my experiences and work ghost writing or NPO works. It is about theft where the reward was so small to sue or to move forward would be pointless.


Some notes... since Covid in May my memory is almost non existent. As a result my posting these books is in a semblance of order of appearance, but not exactly so. I could look up the indicia or the Amazon info, but I just am not worried enough, or energetic enough to make that happen. Also, not every book has my name upon the cover, but every book shown below has my work inside its covers. I do not claim anything that is not directly true, and I do not claim credit where it is not accurate.

I get asked which books I sold the most of. This is not exact, but when selling Sasquatch, it has sold well over 150 copies. I have sold well over 200 copies of my book Cthulhu: Catastrophic Discoveries. Its predecessor was only slightly less successful. Many other works I cannot tell you how many sold, because in one case a publisher was a cheat, in other cases it wasn't my business as I was paid in product, and did not receive royalties. No, you do not have to ask me who cheated me, I won't say. I will say this, without the internet and Amazon I'd not have blogged, obviously, become a full time writer, less obviously, and for this I am grateful for both. From a distance you might feel the world never rewards you, but being a stay at home father, using blogs and websites of my own, and writing for other people, all served to allow me to publish, be published, and publish anthologies where other people are published.

If you have a desire to order something, check with me first? Amazon purchases end up with me making 2 dollars or less. I can give you a better price than Amazon, and make more on my end, if you buy directly from me. Not all works are still in print, and, in fact, many will go out of print soon. I am not, in any way shape or form complaining, after all, the decision regarding these is my own to make. Amazon has been a fair, but not altogether generous publisher, and I am moving to my next stage of work. News to come, when I have it. Contact me at for prices, available stock, and possible deals

THE BOOKS (Presented in no order whatsoever, no order of publication, no order of preference)


I can be found on Facebook, Twitter or through email I accept hard copies, so when you inquire at any of these places, I'll follow through by telling you my street address.If you send hard copies for review I will try to always review them, but if you prefer to send pdf or ebooks to my email, I will review these at my discretion. I don't share my pdf/ebooks, so you can avoid worry that I'd dispense them for free to others.

My Creative Blogs:

5k poem blog         AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com

Published works   AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com/2007/01/My-Work.html

Social Media:

All images are copyright © their respective owner
s, use is simply as fair use and no ownership rights asserted.

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