Thursday, November 2, 2023

Questions, Answers & The World at War

Q&A & questions about current wars
By Alex Ness
November 3, 2023


We live in a world of madness. Some days I think I know enough to be able to perceive the future. Other days I wonder if anyone can know what the truth is, beyond the facts we are being told. The advancement of deep fakes, hoaxes, AI and media that we are told is their to tell us the facts and events of the day, but exist instead to be part of the news, altering our perceptions, influencing our beliefs, and leading to our false notions of what is going on.

I worry that we've entered a world that 1984 by George Orwell described so well. Buy, rent, check out the books Brave New World, 1984 and the visionary work WE. Try and look at them, and tell yourself, they are only fiction.  Tell yourself, they have no prophetic abilities. I think you'll agree, if nothing else, the era we've entered is a dangerous one, with unknown potentialities, and lethal realities. Instead of focusing on that, I thought I'd answer some questions, and then consider, briefly, the wars in the world we inhabit.


Why don't you consider sport events as products of popular culture? You'd certainly expand your readership if you did. I know you watch sports.  So why not?

I've written about sports in as much as UFC and American football seem to me to be bloodsports, with absolute popularity and profits. It doesn't seem to be different to me from the Gladiators and Chariot races of ancient Rome. And since they were staged and performed to divert the people's attention from the problems ongoing, the violent or dangerous sports remind me of the same. Satirist Juvenal coined the phrase Bread and Circus to describe what Romans paid attention towards. I can actually say, I saw the same when I worked after grad school... if the sports team of the state or region won over the weekend, workers were far more productive and happy Monday and Tuesday. If the home team lost, they seemed under motivated, and depressed. I have therefore watched as the concept of Bread and Circus played out. But, in addition to that, no one ever talked about the jobless rate, or inflation, pointless wars and rising taxes. But if someone won in overtime, it would be discussed.

How do you find the music you listen to, from the radio or spotify, or are you only listening to music you've been following since your youth? This isn't a criticism, it is just wondering where you get your exposure to music.

I am often exposed to new music by my son, but also by my work, and by casual viewing of youtube. I tend to listen to familiar works, as would anyone, but I usually look at the music suggested after my first search. I've discovered some great bands of the past, as well as new bands of the present. I also have a number of friends in a number of bands. I try to listen to bands before I say they suck, or that they don't move me. This is somewhat different than my younger years, when in response to people having other taste than myself, I'd assume a non exploratory stance, and try to avoid new things. I've changed in time however.

Explaining the choices of the CD Covers displayed... for me, over time, I think Trent Reznor and to a lesser degree some Nine Inch Nails are a surprise. When first listening to that music, I was initially unmoved by the sound, but curious because the lyrics, though angry, were suggestive of a far deeper mind. I found it vulgar and loud also intelligent. When you include all of the Reznor's music, apart from NIN, instrumental or otherwise, it is an incredible span of sounds, ideas, and beauty. Naomi Kucsera is a magnificent classical guitarist who steals my attention every single time I've seen videos of her playing, either solo or with others. Billy Corgan's Cotillions was mind blowing. Before the Flood, about the world facing global climate change, changed my heart. Aaron Kerr's Odin moved me in a way that I can only say stirred my DNA Viking blood. The Swallows Shadow of the Seven Stars, featuring Jack the Ripper was brilliant, and played to an area of deep interest upon my part. Holy Blood is a Viking metal band that is from Ukraine, and the lyrics when translated are powerful reminders of my Christian roots. And Sussan Deyhim is not only talented, but her music transcends labels, belief systems and definitions of modern versus ancient.

Do you play video games, or computer games? Do you follow the releases and the sorts of stories that make it to video game play? As I read and used to follow (before I deleted my instagram) your son's instagram, I know he plays, and has a specific area of taste. So wanted to know if you do the same as him? Maybe invite him to be a member of your blog?

My son is skilled as a photographer, and writes stories in reference to what is shown in his art. I don't play video games any more. But I did love EA Sports NHL and a wide variety of Star Wars games. It would be true to say he and I share some interests and tastes. But overall, I think for me, the smaller world of poetry is the one I love, anything else barely approaches it in my mind as a source of interest, other than history. As such, I doubt video games will ever become more important to me and that you'll see the results of such, in more video game content in this column. He does blog on instagram and on facebook, so I think for that sort of coverage you need to follow him there.  

Are there writers who are beloved, but are better sales people than writers? Do you have a version of that in reverse, critically great writers who are forever saddled with unpopular works, no sales or lack personal popularity? I ask because it feels like I like a dozen writers who sell nothing but everyone likes writers I hate, who sell millions and millions of books.

Just so you know, few writers sell millions. Someone audited the sales records of a major publisher, and I mean one of the world's largest, and it showed that 50% of the books released, even major releases, sell almost nothing. So precious few sell millions. Few even sell hundreds of thousands. Some sell thousands. And most sell hundreds or fewer. In a rational world it might seem the highest quality of writing should mean greatest numbers sold.  But in truth, while it might do that, quality doesn't equate with sales. I don't think popularity alone means anything about quality, whether higher or lower. I think sales implies knowing a craft or skill in a variety of ways that requires talent and effort. If a writer doesn't know how to market his work, he might be me. Wait, no, I mean... sigh. I suck dammit.

Sales and marketing are part of a series of talent, skills, and intelligent strategy. To function in the writing world one must find a way to make sales happen. Or the writer in question has a different source of revenue.  Many writers are introverted. Many introverted writers are unable to translate their fire inside to sales. It isn't an easy balance to achieve. I personally admire authors able to convert their dreams into money. I haven't had that talent, that fortune, nor do I suspect I ever will. That isn't meant to be a statement of anger or despondent sadness. I just am aware how hard it is to make enough of a living selling what I create, and it isn't likely to change. I should note, I make money and have a list of clients who I do ghost write articles for, and Non Profit orgs who I write pro bone for, as a means of paying forward the kind acts others have shared with me.

(Those shown are used symbolically for best selling, popular and/or especially good authors who
sell books are Colleen Hoover, Stephanie Meyer, Neil Gaiman, Timothy Snyder & Hugh Eakin)

One thing though, beyond sales and popularity, the world is reading less.  The Boomers generation was the last who as a group read for pleasure, and in 2019-2021 I read reports that suggested, they stopped doing so. That might mean that texting and video chats, movies and hand held devices have taken over, but some scientists I know who analyzed some of the data suggest we read for pleasure when our lives seem quiet, or settled. I don't know about anyone but me, but the last four years have meant no sales of books, few books read by me, and few people reading my work for free. I think Ukraine/Russia war, Israel/Hamas war, the Pandemic, Trump's Presidency, and more, all paved the way to despair. I am no genius, but I suspect that sort of behavior is one that rarely recovers from such a downswing. Which is a development that bodes all the worse for humanity I think.

I WANT MORE ALT HISTORY FROM YOU! Please consider taking upon yourself, the time and effort to begin a blog with Alt History scenarios, or write a book! It is addictive and not really a falsely important consideration, like conspiracy theories become. Knowing how things could have ended up very differently, and investigating the possibilities remains a valid intellectual practise!  Would you do one more scenario of alternative consequences for me?

I kept the "s" in your use of Practise since you are a Canadian. I might do something of this sort, but more likely I'll write a book of such scenarios. Some of the scenarios could be rather subtle, some could be grand, but I won't attempt something I don't already know much about.

OK. Here is my scenario. What if Vicksburg or Gettysburg didn't end in Union victory in the US Civil War? With such battles no longer being victories for the North would the Confederacy have won or achieved an ending to the war with their survival? No. There is a myth that the South lost when the double victories of Vicksburg and Gettysburg meant they could never win after that.  It was at the battle of Antietam that was the back breaking moment for the South. Major trade partners of the North, Great Britain and France followed up the victory of the North (though it was only a victory because the South's goals were crushed not by numbers lost or land  taken) by sending the Southern ambassadors home, the worst possible consequence to the battle for the South.

However, not winning Vicksburg and Gettysburg when they happened, would mean some additional years of war. Not because it would be an immediate wave of change as I'm not saying Vicksburg doesn't eventually fall, nor Gettysburg is a true Northern lost, just that neither were clear victories. Changes and time to happen lead to new Southern strategies. Secret raids and guerrilla campaigns, scorched earth tactics would not be unreasonable, especially in regions without occupying forces. The added time allows for more death, more destruction, and nothing else. Sometimes the change is not enough to result with a better or different ending, just a messier one.  


I've been asked my opinions and ideas about both of the current wars being fought. Even as a historian and interested party, I have little that I can say that will elucidate or inform the reader here.  But I do think there are horrible consequences for the world with both of these conflicts. There are many nations depending upon both the Russian and Ukraine grain harvests, to feed their populace. That brutal conflict constantly tempts the fear of going nuclear, and famine and terror additionally.

The Middle East has been an area with numerous wars, but this time it seems the aggressor had a purpose, outside of killing, and a strategy. I think it might have two reasons for happening. Israel was trying to gain diplomatic recognition from Saudi Arabia, and there are some, perhaps many in Israel who distrust and dislike Benyamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister, leading to rallies and protest events. Perhaps Hamas chose the day and time of the attack to stall discussions with Saudi Arabia, and to cause the Israelis to reconsider their elected leaders, and ruling party.

And as for me beyond whatever I think of the result of such wars, I worry over the possible event of a nuclear exchange by a third party who enters into the fray, for their own, as of yet, unknown reasons.


FINALLY...  I can be found on Facebook, Twitter or through email I accept hard copies and pdf's, so when you inquire at any of these places, I'll follow through by telling you my street address.If you send hard copies for review I will try to always review them, but if you prefer to send pdf or ebooks to my email, I will review these at my discretion. I don't share review  pdf/ebooks, so you can avoid worry that I'd dispense them for free to others.

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