Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Time for a health break

Hello friends,

Alex Ness here, writer of poetry, interviewer of bright interesting people, and blogger of various thoughts.

You may have seen me before, I wrote for dozens of websites about comics, and review sites in the early 2000s. As a Grad degreed Historian with a minor field in Political Science, I've done many research projects, assisted numerous NPO's, helped other writers with books through research, ghost wrote for artists, and since I sound like I am bragging, I also false started the writing of dozens of books that I found required more attention and talent than I possessed. But I wrote poetry since age 7 so, it was unlikely that anything heavily non fiction, would linger in my thimble sized attention span. I also briefly taught in college, tutored, and was graduate teaching assistant who taught many bright people who have gone on to successful and happy careers and lives.

By 2025 I hope to have more than four books/chapbooks appearing. And I pray I'll be at conventions and shows sharing my works.  This year I visited a convention and met new friends and contacts, and sold many more books than I had for a long LONG time.

I do have much going on. After a lifetime of depression, sorrow, and recent losses of beloved family and a best friend (Writer Director Joe Monks), I am happy. I think it is about knowing, I can be a poet, succeed on my own terms. I can write for academic organizations who consider me a different kind of thinker, but none the less an equal. My cats in life have always been my beloveds, and currently, my two soon to be 16 year old cats, Katya and Sophie enrapture me, love me and I love them daily.

My brother Nate, a birth sibling I met in 2017 has become a rock for me, giving me support, humor, thoughts to consider, and more. He is also, sadly, my last sibling, as my birth sister Denise and my adoptive brother Brons both tragically died in 2022. As such Nate's importance has grown. DNA isn't everything, but I was 54 when I met my DNA mother's family, (and my DNA Mother of course) , I met a group of people who feel familiar. I sorrow my DNA sister's passing like she'd been with me, rooting me on, loving me and caring the entire time. Nate is the same if not more, and I bless God for giving them back to me, after 54 years and feeling an outsider for well most of that time until I saw my son, my only family DNA I'd ever seen.

I have a beautiful wife, fiery redhead with a wicked funny wit. A wonderful principal who has given every thing in her being to give children of all social, ethnic, nationality and language groups an equal opportunity to learn the knowledge and facts to get them through to adulthood and success.

My son is a creative talent, struggling to juggle projects and work. And his cat, my grandkitten Isabella is a daily source wild. He is often my brightest light and always my greatest hope.

But while I've much going on that is good, that isn't the same regarding my health.
I will be having surgery and procedures, and I hope, turn out
better for the effort.

I might not be around for a while but
I'll be around...

My Poetry AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com This place Poplitiko.Blogspot.Com
My Published Works AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com/2007/01/My-Work.html
Personal: AlexNessFiction.Blogspot.Com/

Social Media

My Email is

As ever, thank you for reading my work, and that my friends who occasionally write here.
May you all be blessed deeply.

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