Wednesday, February 15, 2023

MY Viking DNA

Viking DNA
By Alex Ness
February 15, 2023

I've mentioned that over the course of my life I was less motivated by my past to know my family facts, as I was to know the world via History/Political Science, Art and Poetry. My DNA is a juxtaposition from that set of circumstances. As I was searched for by my DNA family when I was 54 years old, all of the supposed likely ages I'd be searched for and found, Age 18, 21 or 30, passed by and I was certain I'd be never contacted or find out my pass.

But I did receive some information from birth records. They suggested that my origins were that I was from one side Austrian, the other side part Swedish, with a smattering, up to a 1/4 total of Jewish. Why? Timing, as the focal point pair moved from Austria to Sweden, and from their to America. So what? According to the records, some time around an event known as the Anschluß Österreichs the focal DNA couple fled. At that time Vienna Austria, where the DNA couple happened, the population was 1/3 to 1/4 Jewish. Again, the point? A Swede could marry a Jew and leave Austria, to Sweden, and escape the laws regarding Jewish citizens in Germany and now in Austria. The point being, there'd be a reason for the two to marry, and it wasn't necessarily love.

And then, I did meet my DNA family, at age 54. My wonderful wife is fascinated by science and DNA especially. While there might be a reason to assume I was Austrian and Swedish, it all didn't make enough sense based on what I learned from my DNA family. My wife paid for a DNA kit, we did the test, and 6 weeks later I found out I was 42% Norwegian, 50% Swedish, 4% Novgorod Russian, and 4% Irish.  I was a Viking and I always have been, almost purely so.

I have always been moved by the Viking world so, finding out I was such, was exciting.  I write poetry, and wrote two books about the Vikings before I knew. I was initially going to write this article about the Vikings, the books, movies and media.

But when my brother died in December 2022, it moved me to write the following poem.  I will meet him again, in Valhalla.  I will also meet my sister, former member of Military Intelligence, heart of gold, mind that was clever, and a soul I was meant to know.  She died in January of 2022, and I will meet her in Valhalla as well.

Click to enlarge.

When the Vikings took their ships inland, they laid siege to Paris, and laid roots in France, Normandy, and elsewhere.  It isn't my doing.  But it lays in my DNA, reminding me, we are a people who discovered new lands, who traveled the known world, and defeated most armies and navies arrayed against them.  It is a proud heritage, and I have family who share that blood.

I have learned that I have cancer, perhaps two kinds, and said to be advanced. I might not live long. But I can promise you, I have somewhere to go, people to meet again, and worlds to discover.

And soon, perhaps this will be my fight. But I am content, I've lived knowing great people. I loved deeply, I cared for many. I lived by honor.  If I am to die, farewell, may you live well.

“There's always a better choice than cowardice, if you have business to take care of.
One day long ago my life was already shaped, and my fate was fixed.”

The Poetic Edda: Stories of the Norse Gods and Heroes

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