Saturday, February 18, 2023

thoughts, opinions, things I think about culture

By Alex Ness
February 19, 2023


I apologize for those who come here for ideas and reviews, interviews and commentary about pop culture. This is going to be about our modern culture, but less the products of it. There are plenty of great things out there to enjoy. In 2023 a secret project will birth, it is something wonderful that fulfilled my greatest desires. However, I can't share it yet.


The first season was twice as long as season two, but it was reintroducing and modernizing the entire plot of the original series.  And, they did so with great quality, told a wonderful story, and the new Ultraman was among my all time favorite tv shows. When I was alone, dealing with back spasms and couldn't sleep, I checked netflix, and saw that season 2 was out and complete. I binged it, and by the end, I thought, 2 seasons in a row of perfection.

Season one was connecting to the past, while introducing new threats to the world. But season two introduced a violent new threat that has the ability to crush any of the many Ultramen. Season two was not an equal to the first season, but that isn't because it was less good, or that it was less intense, less violent, less meaningful.  The first season was meant to create a world that linked to the original series, while season two was a work that said, now that we are here, this is a  new mystery and event that must be addressed.

The voice work was damn good, the animation was perfect, and there was nothing about the show that I thought was anything but amazing.  I cannot wait for season 3.


Someone I care for deeply is of the opinion that Russia should be bombed with Nuclear weapons for their invasion of Ukraine. Other people I know seem to think Ukraine started the war. Which boggles my mind. In my work I often write about wars and who fight them. I don't have a hatred of war in the sense of all war is wrong, whether courageous people die, or innocents die, war does mean people dying, and often, tragically. Disputes lead to violence, doing nothing would allow the aggressor to take and hold you land, property and people. In addition, doing nothing might be Gandhi or Christlike, but it endangers the side practicing non violence. I'm not arguing people should be quick to resort to war, or self defense, but I guarantee that those who practice violence are very pleased to use war as a means of resolution of problems.

Is Russia evil and Ukraine innocent and good? I think Americans helped cause the war, by enabling the coup in 2014 in Ukraine. American foreign policy was aggressively anti Russia. It is a rarely mentioned fact, that when Russia broke up the Warsaw pact, Nato essentially gave its word to not expand into former Warsaw pact member nations. As a Political Scientist/Historian my view's a helluvalot more nuanced than saying Russia Evil, Ukraine Good.


I just had a discussion with a person who said it was unimportant who you vote for, the true winner in the US political system is Capitalism. Because more taxes or less taxes, pay for services or government pays for the services, the winner are those who profit from the system, so America is the winner. Please forgive me, but, capitalism might be better than some systems but the system mostly enhances the wealth of the rich, allows enough earnings for the middle to survive, and utilizes the poor and poorly educated to serve in that system as laborers. To me that is a system with no winners only exploiters. I don't actually have a better solution. But this idea (told to me by a wealthy person who votes Democrat) that capitalism is fair and makes everyone better is just crap that people say so that their exploitation of others seems justified.

Now, you will see this and think, that bastard Ness is a commie. Well no, I am not. I just don't think we have a system that allows freedom and creates equality, allows financial prosperity without despoiling the earth, or creates social systems where some form of favoritism and inequality grow, subtly or in full view, but is seen as part of reason for the society functioning. And no, I am not suggesting something is wrong and I know best. I don't have an answer for the question at hand.


I was asked to work on an academic paper a relatively short while ago due to having participated on two published papers with a very bright fellow who might be close to passing away due to advanced age. I've been out of academia for so long, I just don't fit into the form. I went through a couple days of research to decide, and worried that not only was I lost, and not well informed any longer. The original papers were truly good, and I was proud of them. This world has greatly changed since I participated 30 years ago.

Over on Twitter I was asked, in an insulting tone, if I was still a skeptic regarding climate change. I never was, I did question a variety of aspects related, but to argue now, all I'd say is that I believe there are many aspects of climate that no one knows enough about it to debate. Climate changes. The cause is debated (some believe solar cycles are responsible, some argue human CO2 creation alters climate, but that isn't the point, if you ask me.) Hyperbole made some moderates turn against the Academics, and tried to make into enemies those who earn their living via industries that use the products of their mining, gathering, burning, I don't know enough to say anything informed. My answer of I don't know, however made those asking the questions even more angry and even more cynical.


As a Christian and as a person who was created as a result of rape, you might not wonder if I oppose abortion. I believe in consistent life theory in my ethical and moral beliefs. I believe the government already has the "right" to allow killing. We send men and women to war, ostensibly they will or might kill. We give the police the right to kill, under certain conditions, and with penalties for violating those conditions. We have capital punishment in certain states. We also allow the government to make choices, perhaps in a difficult fashion to give aid to various people and not to others. Flint, Michigan had dangerous drinking water, and for years nothing was done. Various neighborhoods suffer blight and crime, to the disinterest of many. But we respond to disasters, to save lives. So, ultimately I accept that abortion is legal, if not necessarily moral in my eyes, and think choice in that matter is a legal right.

The idea of choice is rather flawed in some cases. As I was twice vaxxed for Covid, there are many who refused to do so. They ended up being punished for not wanting to allow something to go into their body against their wishes. You can and likely will argue all you like, I'm not debating, I'm saying, they were not given the choice that women regarding abortion rights are allowed. My body my choice is not an equal or universal thesis that we practice. Rightly or wrongly? I'm not saying that. I was vaxxed, I understand all the arguments, I just think humans often pick and choose what they wish their morality becomes, and that that isn't always fair or universal in application. I lost numerous friends to Covid, I am not one who is anti-vaccination. There are areas in our existence that seem to me to be flawed in application and interpretation.


This is not meant as an attack upon any people, persons, places, ideas or anything meaningful. I recently argued with someone who I've known for 20 years. They asked me if they should have a different law for members of ethnically/racially minority groups regarding renting apartments versus members of the LBGTI community, since, they said, people's ethnicity or race is something you are born with, but LBGTI folks choose their orientation, gender or anything related. I said, those are not traits you choose. They said then why do lesbians have children, as they can turn it off and on. I said, if all of our traits are chosen, why did you choose to be stupid as your choice? I never had to make a choice, I was 7 years old, I saw the inside of an issue of Playboy, thought, that's why they don't allow women to go shirtless like ALL of the men working on their lawn in summer.  I never had a choice to make, I always knew.

I don't declare my pronouns. But if forced to do so, I choose poet, or Writer of poetry. I really don't identify anything, but if you were worried, I'm an old male, I'm kind of fat, I've a small goatee and soul patch, colored white and black. I like women and never had a doubt there. Although, when I was deadly lonely, suicidal even a bit, from lacking human touch and appreciation from the opposite sex, I did wonder if I was perceiving my experience differently than it appeared to woman I'd hope to date and have a relationship with. But then, genius that I am, I remembered that to be gay would mean I wanted to be with a man and not a woman. And THAT I know from heart, women are beautiful, to me the most handsome man is not sexy, he is a smelly dude, that looks nothing like a woman.

I like men plenty, in non-romantic ways. And regarding men transitioning to women, I'm on your side if you are doing this. I know the brain of one with gender dysphoria is different than someone without it. I believe people are LGBTI from birth, but only the trans community is proven to have such identifiable causes of their experience.


There are numerous scientific or historical oddities in the world that do not prove say, a young earth, aliens, or advanced science in the past. But, science and history are based upon a number of things that are given power, rather than being evidence. If there was a 100,000 year lost age of steel, where humans gained knowledge, had technology we couldn't imagine primitives having, there could easily be a catastrophic global disaster, that wipes nearly clean all evidence of such. In science we give weight to evidence and scientific proof via theory and experimental demonstration. I've been asked many times if my one of my fictional blogs is based upon personal beliefs. I do not believe that alien races regularly visit earth. I don't believe, necessarily that ancient humanity had advanced technology. I do believe the past is far greater than we know. History can only record and collect what is known. Science can only find what exists. In time we might well learn that the past was far more advanced than we know now. Really, I don't believe we are visited by aliens, or at least, certainly not as often as some make it seem.


Popularity doesn't mean quality, it means what they like is what they like. Sometimes they like quality works. Sometimes they like crap. When comic book writer Alan Moore was asked upon the subject of quality versus popularity. He said something like 10 million flies like shit, that doesn't make shit good. I'm not suggesting anything here, except to say, enjoy what you like, think whatever you do about the quality of what you like, but when debating others, never mistake one for the other.


I can be found on Facebook, Twitter or through email I do accept hard copies, so when you contact me/inquire at any of these places, I'll follow through by telling you my street address. If you send hard copies for review I will always review them, but if you prefer to send pdf or ebooks to my email, I will review these at my discretion. I don't share my pdf/ebooks, so you can avoid worry that I'd dispense them for free to others.

My Creative Blogs:

My 5000 poem Blog AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com

Cthulhu Alien Horrors CthulhuDarkness.Blogspot.Com

Atlantis & Lost Worlds AlexNessLostWorlds.Blogspot.Com

My Published Work  AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com/2007/01/My-Work.html

My Amazon Author Page

Support: Poplitiko.Blogspot.Com/2022/06/for-sale.html 

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