Thursday, August 31, 2023

Where I'll be on September 15-17. 2023

By Alex Ness
September 1, 2023


With my oft writing partner Joe Monks having passed away, I asked my sponsor Hot Comics if they still saw my being present at Crypticon MN worthwhile. They said yes of course. I will be tabled with my son, who originally was going to be the fellow to assist Joe in the crowds, but he is also an artist, and creative talent. Thank you to Hot Comics, and Crypticon.

Also, perhaps it would be important to mention a book by Joe Monks and me, about dark, dangerous happenings in Minnesota, was specifically created for the event of Crypticon, September 15-17, 2023. My half of the book involves winter, and beasts who frolic when it is far too cold and dangerous for human activity. I'll be tabled near Hot Comics, who are quite the awesome store, with three locations. I've 36 books out in my name or as a guest on a book.  I've done comics, prose and poetry.  My goal in appearing is to perhaps find a tribe of my own. Hot Comics is sort of family, comic conventions are great but few people give sh!t about poetry. This will allow me to measure if I should keep writing books, chapbooks and comics or focus on what I want to do outside of my writing of books.

My son gave me a microphone, the sort often used in Pod casts, and one of the show surprises was to perhaps announce that Joe and I were going to start a horror, books, comics, and current world news Pod Cast.  We'd do it for our own work, but not in any way do I mean only that.  However, with Joe passing, that plan ended.  If you are reading this and you are wondering what Crypticon is, check the link below this paragraph. It is a horror and all things weird and strange convention.

Two Links for the show:
Hot Comics


My son Jonathan is a highly talented photographer, and he will be at the table and is bringing many prints he has taken for sale. He is a fine writer,  and future film maker or a famous photographer.  On his instagram account and on Facebook, he writes a story about his imagesI'd be as old as I am stupid if I weren't so very proud of his success. Feel free to check his pages and send him and inquiry for any particular sci fi oriented work he has adapted, modified, and often created from various
items he paints, adapts, and creates.

Find him at: Instagram, FB and more


Mike Baron "Pat Broderick has penciled and inked 26 pages of our supernatural Western, Bronze Star. This is the best work of Pat's career. It will blow your mind." Check it out, please. It is a crowdfunded work that deserves more coverage and engagement. And I like Mike. He's a kind often mis-perceived fellow, who is unafraid to use his free speech. When I began interviewing talents in comics and Spec Fiction and more, I found it really odd that he was referred to by many different people from different political outlooks as a mentor, or helper for guidance in their written work. And at the time, the creatives who said this were about 50% Conservatives and 50% Liberals. The political divide of the present has widened so compared to 20 years back, now Liberals dislike him, despite his stories being quite wonderful and thoughtful. He is a good man, and he writes good comics. Support this wonderful work.


Split Rock Lighthouse is a reason to visit Minnesota's North Shore and soon, a place to catch the glory of the changing of seasons and the beauty of Minnesota's so-called Arrowhead region. I've been there more than a few times, and Lake Superior is my choice for beauty, and power. You might remember that the Edmund Fitzgerald sank during rough waters in a storm upon it.  


I can be found on Facebook, Twitter or through email I accept hard copies, so when you inquire at any of these places, I'll follow through by telling you my street address.If you send hard copies for review I will try to always review them, but if you prefer to send pdf or ebooks to my email, I will review these at my discretion. I don't share my pdf/ebooks, so you can avoid worry that I'd dispense them for free to others.

My Creative Blogs:

5k poem blog         AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com

Published works   AlexNessPoetry.Blogspot.Com/2007/01/My-Work.html

All images are copyright © their respective owner
s, use is simply as fair use and no ownership rights asserted.

“Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different
than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say.”  Edward Snowden

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