Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Return Review Column for Setember 4

By Alex Ness

By Michael Baron and Kelsey Shannon

Beware of works of Nexus not written by Mike Baron.
They just are not nearly the same in quality or even concept.
The character is unique, and well designed but written best with the Baron.

"The hand of Nexus wields the energy of a living sun! Possessing limitless power, Nexus is the greatest avenger in history, but his power and purpose come from an alien race with their own agenda. Is Nexus a hero or pawn? Deliverer or destroyer? God or devil? Created by Mike Baron and Steve Rude, Nexus is a science-fiction superhero masterpiece!

In this brand new standalone story, Nexus faces a mysterious villain threatening all life. Planets are vanishing from the night sky without a trace! Nexus must uncover the truth behind a string of disappearing planets before the universe itself vanishes. With precious few leads and almost no witnesses, the odds seem stacked against survival. How will Nexus save the universe?

Facing an unknown threat, Nexus must get to the bottom of a string of disappearing planets! Leaving no trace—and almost no witnesses—it's clear a powerful threat is waging war on the entire universe. With all existing life being threatened, and precious few leads, only Nexus can save the universe!

Featuring art and colors by Kelsey Shannon (Batman Adventures, Dark Fang, Norah's Saga) , lettering by Warren Montgomery (Florida Man, Fun Adventure Comics!), and written by Nexus co-creator Mike Baron (Nexus, The Punisher, The Flash), the stakes are higher than ever before."

The character of Nexus is one of the most absolutely distinct and unique being and purpose. He is called to be a powered executioner of serial killers. He has powers that border upon unlimited, but he is called to use them by horrific dreams, that leave a headache that throbs unto near mind breaking devastation. His "creators" have a different sense of justice, but it isn't that he would object to the killers end. He just might prefer to not have to go through the calling, and the headaches that feel like mental Armageddon. 

However, while many would have no problem having great power, he has a unique morality, and considerations of more than just ending the evil ones. With his powers he has created an asylum for the lost and the hunted, upon his moon base Eylum. Which to me sounds a lot like Elysium. His morality includes Christlike kindness along with the executioner's righteous anger. The combination is unusual and deep. That he considers the consequences of his use of God-like powers, that he questions and researches the people he hunts, before completing his tasks, makes his power almost more a curse than anything like a blessing.

The people he encounters, both fear him, and admire and/or revere his godlike abilities, and his moral offerings of a place of peace, and safety. Tell me one other hero so troubled, compassionate, generous and conflicted... I'll wait... go on...  This is a work any fan of great writing or already a fan, It is a must buy.


Brian Haberlin has created a great bibliography of work. He has worked in comics for many years but also, he has taught the artisan craft of telling stories through his panels at conventions, and through being an educator and Minnesota College of Art/Design.  That alone, his understanding of art, but desire to share his knowledge of it makes him someone I respect in many directions of art.

And yes, you might have noticed my appreciation for Brian Haberlin's art. It isn't due to having a long time appreciating his work, despite highly appreciating his work now, it came somewhat by accident that I became  aware of his talents. I liked many Image comics, but I didn't have the funds to buy and read all the books that came out over the last 30 years. In fact, I didn't have much money at all once my son arrived and I began work as a full time father

It was his association with our mutual friend David Hine in collaborations, and through his work on Spawn that made me first notice him. But since that time, I've just been blown the Fk away. I've reviewed or mentioned all of the works on this list, but if you haven't bought them in tpb, you need to. They are well written, whoever is the writer (but especially David Hine). But the art in each is mind blowing and awesome.

He also collaborated with members of Image to create a cover for the band Korn. I like Korn, and appreciate knowing this. I'm a fan of his art, and more and more, his writing is becoming even better. His work as a plotter and artist is good, but now, with him being in command of art, plot, writing, and everything a comic book requires.

Mr. Haberlin has done numerous events this summer, but many including or specifically featuring his fine art paintings, in watercolor.  The realism in each is truly and without exaggeration, powerful and gorgeous. Especially as an artist, he is someone special.  Here are some of the wonderful examples of Brian's fine art. He expresses beautiful women, but also, normal women who are made even more beautiful in being by the humanity he brings forward in their presentation. For those who appreciate cheesecake photos or paintings, this ain't that. His women are real, and the distinct ability he has to create women who possess dignity in their being, who possess wonder, sorrow, imagination, thought, and intrigue, all by simply being, has opened a door to art that is relatively unusual, if not unique, and of the highest quality. At one time I wanted to write a poem using one of his painting pics as the focus, but I am not a good enough poet to create something worthy of that image.  I mean that with no sarcasm or irony. 

From Brian Haberlin "Coming in October! Faster Than Light 3D TREASURY SIZED! Two chilling scifi stories just in time for Halloween! Ask your retailer for it! There are two covers....one is standard 3D the other is a WINK...three images in ONE!"


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